HGPA Classes

Cma Final-SFM Fast Strack

Cma Final-SFM Fast Strack Batch​

CS Harshwardhan Gaikwad

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Merchant Name: M/S HGPA

Product Specification


Google Drive

Video Language


Study Material

English (Soft Copy)

Tech Support

Direct Msg on 9665195753

Classes Run

Android phone, tabs , iPhone, Ipad and windows laptop

Kit Contents

Video Lectures + Study Materials (Soft Copy Books)

Lecture Duration

65 Hours (Approx)

No. of Lecture

60 (Approx)

Validity Period

Validity December 2024

Total Views

Unlimited till Validity

System Requirements

Mobile: Available on Andriod + I store (APPLE) + Android Tabs Laptop. Processor: 2.67GHz (dual core) or 3.5 GHz (Single Core Processor) I RAM: 2.00 GB or more I Operating System: Windows 8.1 pro /10/11

Video Language
Study Material
Tech Support
Classes Run
Kit Contents
Lecture Duration
No. of Lecture
Validity Period
Total Views
System Requirement
Google Drive
English (Soft Copy)
Direct Msg on 9665195753
Android phone, tabs , iPhone, Ipad and windows laptop
Video Lectures + Study Materials (Soft Copy Books)
65 Hours (Approx)
60 (Approx)
Validity December 2024
Unlimited till Validity
Mobile: Available on Andriod + I store (APPLE) + Android Tabs Laptop. Processor: 2.67GHz (dual core) or 3.5 GHz (Single Core Processor) I RAM: 2.00 GB or more I Operating System: Windows 8.1 pro /10/11
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